"Yawn!" It was 11a.m. and I just woke up from my dream of gobbling up a whole tub of ice-cream. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and walked like a drunkard out of my room. My vision was still blurry due to my lack of sleep so I knocked into a few objects on the way out.
My mother greeted me with a nice and loud shout. "Waking up this late? You better prepare for your tuition class which is starting in half an hour " I did not listen to a single world that came out of her mouth. It came in one ear and went out the other. I headed towards the balcony to grab my towel, its where I hang my towels up, and then headed to the kitchen where the toilet is located.
My two sisters were sitting at the dining table awaiting my mother to serve some srumptious dishes because they were going out for a facial appointment. They looked really starved. When I got to the kitchem, I realised that my brother was inside the toilet taking his own sweet time to shower without knowing about my nearing tuition class. My mother immediately told him to be fast. Feeling exasperated, I went to the toilet located in the master bedroom instead. After doing so, I neatly combed my hair and packed my bag. All the books were so weighty that my shoulders hurt when I carried my bag! I shouted out a loud goodbye to everyone and went off. It was already 11:25a.m. I had only 5 tight minutes to catch a bus and then run all the way to the tuition centre.
Thank heavens the bus came the moment I arrived at the bus-stop. The bus was rather empty so I had a choice of where I wanted to sit even though my destination was only one stop away. When I got off, I hastily ran towards the tuition centre. When I arrived, it was 11:35a.m. The assistant in the tuition centre, Kak Mira, looked at me and smiled sweetly. I replied with a wave and went through the door which led to my class. The moment I went in, everyone stared at me like I was some kind of monster with a ridiculous hairdo and gigantic eyes. The teacher greeted me and I went to my seat.
I had Science lesson on that day and we were learning Chemistry. The teacher, Mr Ibrahim, taught us about atoms,molecules and ions. Honestly, I don't remember anything about it being taught in Secondary One. After an hour of boring lesson, Mr Ibrahim spent the remaining half an hour playing this game called Taboo. Its a game where you are split into teams and one person in the team is given a word that he or she must describe to the team members in less than the given time such that the team members are able to guess what the word is. It is sort of like Charades.
We were split up into girls and boys. Unfortunately, it was a tie in the end but Mr Ibrahim promised to continue with the game the next week. Finally class was over! I showed my happiness by running out of the door. On the way home, I went to Guardian at Tampines Mart to get medicine for my neck. It was really stiff and it hurt when I tried to turn to my left. It must have been caused by the NCC Land training I had the day before. Anyway, after spending my money on that, I headed towards to bubble tea shop named Sweet Talk. On the way there, I saw the uncle that had reprimanded me for not buying vanguard sheet from his shop and buying it from another shop.
My blood boiled when I saw his face and so, I did not buy my drink. I saw my friend from tuition there and in order to avoid him, I had to just go to the bubble tea shop. I walked past the uncle and stuck out my tongue. That should make him irritated! I bought an oreo milkshake for two dollars. My friend walked past the shop and I let out a sigh of relief that he did not notice me. After paying for the drink, I sauntered out of the shop. To my incredulity, I saw my tuition teacher.
This was the worst thing that could ever happen to me in a single day! I had no choice but to confront him since he already saw me. We chatted about my school and how I was doing. He also gave me a reminder to do my homework, like I will ever bother. I gave an excuse that I had to get home fast and finished the conversation. At home, my mother was busy cooking and my father was trying to fix the sink.
The water just cannot get sucked in! Wonder what the problem was! My mother helped me to apply the medicine to my neck and thankfully, it seemed to work a little. I decided to do my homework and study Chemistry as well as Mathematics for the day to prepare for the upcoming tests the following week.
Comments to be given to the RED TAGBOARD only.Eg. Entry 1 : Nice recollection of the events.