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Tales of the Raconteur

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
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today was so boring that i wanted to sleeeeeeeeep...
omg havent do my english reading assignment yet...
and i found out something.
marc tang comes wif a diff water bottle everyday and throws the water bottle away.
rich kid.
made a routine with joshen.. and got forced to do handstand.

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Written.. and told.

7:29 PM

Sunday, February 1, 2009
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lets talk about CHINGAY!
i still had to attend NCC Land despite my busy schedule
i didnt even learn any bloody thing
all i did was stand for 30mins and ran down for 5 mins doing nothing BUT...
put on my beret and then i had a 5mins water break and then i went off
so during chingay i sat at seat F39.
boohoo wanted to sit next to ms boey T.T
marc tang managed to sit next to her! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
i hope she gives me good presentation marks.. heheheeeeeeeeeeee!!
so when the parade started it was kinda spastic
suddenly got alot of people then the jester *host* started shouting like a retard
so.. so.. so..
my float came and i had to prepare to THROW GIFTS to the audience
practically begging me to give them the gifts HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOH
so i came home at 12am because i had supper with MARC TANG
we headed to BUGIS macdonalds to eat
we were like a bunch of pai kia's coz we took off our badges
damn ivan.

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Written.. and told.

5:35 PM

Saturday, January 31, 2009
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finally i dun have to write my english post entries with perfect english n grammar n spelling n punctuation n voabulary! LOL. Ok so now i will talk to myself since nobody will visit this blog or even bother to read!


yesterday got the CHINGAY PARADE 2009 which was AWESOMEZ.
so many floats and lights and effects and colours and the sound...fooooooo!!
so exciting omg dammit.
but then i had to miss one floats performance coz i had to help out with FLOAT #3
i must give out the present present to everyone in the audience lor
so when i was walking, they all beg me for the present.
so i just threw it to them
the hand clappers i dun care to throw
the stress balls i turn my back and then throw behind LOL
the frisbee packets i oso play like frisbee even tho havent open yet
anyway the parade was

Watch it on channel 8 tomorrow at 8pm!

-talking to myself only-

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Written.. and told.

11:47 PM

Thursday, January 29, 2009
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29 JANUARY 2009
Today was the day that I had to go back to school after a one week break! I was pretty excited to get to school because Joshen would sort of show me how he does the Windmill move, which is a particular breakdance move. Its a power move which means it is physically demanding. I could never do one unless I lifted weights for 5 hours everyday! I know I can do it someday.
I hate the way I woke up. I missed a whole hour of sleep because I accidentally set my alarm clock to 4.30am. When it rang, I was so shocked that I could not sleep for the next hour! Annoying! I was really fed up with myself and just rushed to the toilet to take a shower. And, my water heater is still broken! So I decided to practice my breakdancing! I held a freeze pose for about 10mins. It was really tiring but it managed to make me sweat, enough for me to endure the cold water.
Afterwards, I went in front of mirror to comb my hair. At the worst time, I remembered a ghost story I had watched before. I hate ghosts! They do not exist! But still, I was terrified. In the story, the ghost looks exactly like you but it does not follow what you do in the mirror. When you turn, it stays there and suddenly kills itself. Okay, next scene!
I sent a message to Ivan telling him to wake up. Recently, he has been waking up late and if he was late again, it would be his third time and he would be so dead. I proceded to the bus stop and waited for bus number 28. While waiting, I encountered someone who I did not really want to see. A senior band member.
I hated band. I was once in band but I quitted and join NCC Land because the seniors were slightly biased. Anyway, the bus arrived and I obviously boarded it. On the bus, I decided to memorise my science presentation script. People might have thought that I was crazy because I was like talking to myself. Who cares about other people's opinion!
School was so boring. I had no mood to study at all, mostly because I had done nothing related to school work during the break except a brief study of Mathematics. I looked around and saw Hamzah with his trumpet case. I quickly went towards it and opened the case! I could not resist! I sort of missed the trumpet. It was my instrument in band after all.
School went by in a flash with nothing going into my head. Mainly because the lessons were quite boring. I could have slept but I kept on chatting with the person beside me. I did pay attention once in a while because I felt a bit guilty. Also, my notes were confiscated! I am pretty lucky that Mrs Rama was kind enough to let me off and return me my notes. Thank god!
After school, there was a Mathematics test. I did not bring my calculator because I forgot that there was a test! Also, I had a Mathematics tuition class so I placed my calculator in my tuition bag instead! I still have my after test depression...
I did not manage to do the last question and I made a mistake in the beginning.
How I wish I could rewind today...

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Written.. and told.

11:01 PM

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
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27 January 2009

Today is the second day of the Lunar New Year. While others are visiting and receiving money, I am stuck here in my home doing the normal things anyone who doesn't celebrate Lunar New Year. Studying. Revising. Sleeping. I didn't really do all that though.

The way I woke up today is the most bizarre ever. I had set my alarm at 8.30am for today. In the morning, I felt something vibrating under my body and I knew it was my alarm but I just could not wake up until my sister sort of kicked me. I had a dream that I was on a massage chair, reason being my back was getting a "massage". I hate mornings.

Mornings are the worst time of the day ever! Especially when you are forced to wake up. In the mornings of school days, I would always wake up knowing that there was school. I treat school as some kind of torture but it is actually a different experience everyday. Fun or boring. Stressing or tiring. It is always something different, I guess thats the true reason why I do go to school. Anyway, the reason that masks over the true reason is that if I didn't go to school, my parents would "kill" me. They kill me by scolding me and then ignore me till I transform into an angel, at least for the day. I really don't want to talk about this. Next.

My father had bought breakfast! I love breakfast if its after 8am! Breakfast at 5.30am is the absolute worst. It always gives me a stomachache! Always! Its just my stomach's problem. The breakfast was great! The breakfast was great! The breakfast was great!

After that, I decided to do some random workouts to make myself sweat so that it will feel much better when I am taking a shower. Random workouts such as running on the spot, crushing my "Hamtaro", kicking the wall and jumping. My muscles ached from yesterday's training of breakdance so I decided to train my footwork today.

I tried doing a combination of footwork and freeze. I watched this video on how to do so, from there, I created my own style. Every breakdancer needs to have his own style. From power moves to freezes. Everything needs to be done in a unique way. That was what I tried to do today, even though it wasn't successful as I was not an experienced breakdancer.

At least I tried! I am very sure that tomorrow will bring more ideas into my head!

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Written.. and told.

5:05 PM

Monday, January 26, 2009
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26 JANUARY 2009

Today started off with a rather high note. I was looking forward to what my mother had bought for breakfast. I had already told her what I wanted, but even if she did not buy what I wanted, there would be no reason for me to get angry. So thats why, I am happy.

I was the first one among my siblings to wake up. I fell asleep in the living room as I was watching television the night before. It was really uncomfortable and that might be the reason why I happened to wake up bright and early. Also, my father was watching television. It was pretty noisy when I woke up and I felt like shouting out of being annoyed but I had to keep my cool. I can't just scream at him. I smiled and went towards the dining table.

My mother had bought a packet of some delicious Indian dish. I forgot what it was called but I can clearly remember its taste. The contents of the dish were potato and some vegetables. There was a sauce to go with it. My favourite! My sister woke up and heated up a drink in the microwave oven. No conversation occurred as I was the type who didn't like to talk just after waking up, I also get angry really easily. To avoid a fight, I had to keep quiet but some people in my family just don't understand that yet. And that would be, my eldest sister. She always asks me too many questions early in the morning with that annoying tone and voice. Why can't she ever understand! She thinks the opposite, " What is wrong with him! "

Due to this, we have fights most of the time. I headed towards my sister's room. There I saw my sick brother shaking his head. Recently, he contracted chicken pox, most likely because he doesn't know how to take care of his hygiene. As for me, I am becoming someone who is too careful about hygiene. A tiny ball of dust and I would wash my hands straight away. I avoided my brother the whole day. Making sure I didn't touch whatever he has touched. Although it doesn't spread that way, I am just being cautious.

Around 2pm, my eldest sister started cooking for our special lunch since today was Lunar New Year. My eldest sister and sister have been discussing about this for 2 weeks. My sister was very enthusiastic about this meal and had so many ideas. Today, she did not help at all. It was the same case during Christmas. A non-verbal fight was inevitable. As I had guessed, the fight occurred. My sister didn't help, she was busy joking around with my brother in front of the television. My eldest sister had noticed this, and it became even worse when my mother commented that my sister wasn't helping.

My sister is not the type who cares, she remains calm in these kind of situations and acts like nothing has ever happened. The lunch was a disaster, with doors slamming constantly as my eldest sister went out and in of her room. She had already prepared the lunch for everyone but she was really annoyed at the fact that nobody offered to help or even say a single thank you. Also, there was something that happened that really triggered the fire in her. My mother told my sister to do the laundry, but she did not do it straight away. My eldest sister, already annoyed, became more annoyed and just did the laundry for my mother. It was then that the slamming started.

Now, the "fight" still continues. I hope it settles down soon.

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Written.. and told.

4:07 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009
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Entry 2 :

25 JANUARY 2009

Today was a very meaningful day to me as I managed to discover a lot of things about myself which I didn't actually know. I had always thought that I was someone who was kind and unselfish. The bitter truth was smashed right in my face as my fantasy slowly turned into reality.

I woke up feeling psyched to practice my breakdance moves at around 8.30am. I was still pretty tired from the night before, which I practiced my footwork. I had watched a video on Youtube and the moves were called Uprock and Toprock. I had worked really hard but I didn't manage to master the moves in a day.

I practiced the breakdance moves called Elbow freeze and Windmill but it was of no success. I practiced for an hour and then I took a shower. There was a class that I had to attend. During the lesson, I did something really wrong. It is considered quite a mannerless act me but it might seem lame to others. Instead of being polite, I shouted at my friend to tell him to pick up the pen for me. I know this is seriously lame! I have always been polite but there are times that I just take off my facade and show my true side which I have been hiding all this while. The real me. The hot-tempered, unpolite kid.

After the lesson, I went to shop with my friend at Tampines Mart. He did not bring along any money with him so I offered to give him a treat. We walked towards the bubble tea shop but we discovered it was closed since today was New Year's eve. Unknowingly, a feeling of relief filled my heart. I told him it was okay and that I would give him a treat next time. It was then that I discovered that the only reason I offered to give him a treat was because I wanted to give an impression. The impression that I was someone who was kind and not the opposite, which was my true side.

In the evening, I went online in Windows Live Messenger. I felt bored and so I decided to surf the net. I typed in a particular web address and read what it wrote. I will not reveal what website I went to but the content struck my heart. I was not important. Just because I am good friends with him is not a reason for him to wonder into his own world. I cannot force him to live in mine. I live my own life, the life that I want, and yet I still drag others along with me. Along my selfish path of self-satisfaction. Living under the impression that I am important and that everyone else should think the same way. I am not selfish! I know that! But there is this other side of me that is just waiting to come out to show the world what a bad person I am. This facade will soon come off.


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Written.. and told.

10:33 PM

Sunday, January 11, 2009
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Today was a Sunday. A weekend day which I have been dreading since forever. On sundays, I spend almost half of the day outside doing activities completely unrelated to school work. I would wake up around 10a.m because I always sleep late on Saturdays to prepare for my religious class at 11.a.m. After religious class, I had a swimming lesson from 2p.m to 3:30p.m. Did I mention my religious class was 2 hours and 30 minutes?

Anyway, today I woke up earlier than usual. I successfully woke up at 8a.m to actually have time to eat breakfast before I headed out for my religious class. During breakfast, my mother whipped up a delicious plate of scrambled eggs with cheese for me. She knows I love cheese in almost everything I eat, especially eggs. I took my time to savour the delicious flavours of the scrambled eggs before I started my daily morning routine, which was to shower.

It was 9.20a.m when I finished showering. I had 1 hour and 30 minutes before going out the door. I spent my time by playing the computer and watching some of the disgustingly unstimulating cartoon shows on OKTO. Surprisingly, I was hooked on watching most of the cartoon shows. Due to that, I lost track of time and it was already 11.a.m. I was going to be late if I did not sprint towards the centre.

When I arrived, my friends laughed at me and my teacher gave me a warning. My teacher probably hates me now! I shouldn't have watched television at all! We proceeded on to learning about what Muslims should or not do. This lesson was the second lesson of the year and since I was considered Primary 6 there, it was sort of stressing because there is an end of year examination similar to PSLE.

After spending hours in the cold classroom, I proceeded to Tampines Mart with a few of my fellow friends, Firdaus and Hamzah. We went to buy some burgers at MacDonalds. There was no recess during the religious class so we had to sustain our hunger and now we were starved. Firdaus and Hamzah bought MacSpicy and I just got myself a cheap Double Cheeseburger.

Anyway, we split up after that and I trudged sadly home thinking about my upcoming swimming lesson. As soon as I got home, my mother already prepared for me the "swimming bag" for me to bring to swimming lesson. My swimming lesson was at the Tampines Swimming Complex and it was a 15 minutes journey by bus. I swiftly changed into other clothing and walked out the door.

It was as if the bus would never come as I waited at the bus-stop. Finally, the bus arrived and I reluctantly went on board. Once on the bus, I gladly sat down. During the journey, this couple was fighting about how they had trouble communicating. Their fight entertained me and I was intrigued. They kept arguing that they never had a proper conversation without starting a feud.

Although I wanted to eavesdrop more on the couple, I had to get down the bus as I was already at my destination. It was a 5 minute walk towards the swimming complex. When I entered the swimming complex, I saw my swimming instructor waving at me, signalling me to quickly change into my swimming trunks. He told me to do a few laps of freestyle as warmup.

When I was swimming, I noticed that my legs felt a bit stiff as I kicked. I ignored the possibility that I might get a sudden leg cramp and continued the swim. After finishing the horrible laps of freestyle, we moved on to the deep pool. We were actually at the average pool by the way and not the baby pool. My swimming instructor told my class that we were going to have a race! The first person who finishes 4 rounds of any kind of swimming technique wins!

Feeling intoxicated, I hastily went towards the starting line. When the signal was given, all of us began swimming. Unfortunately, during half of the race, I had a leg cramp. All of a sudden I couldn't swim and I fluttered about helplessly. I thought I was going to drown but my swimming instructor noticed me in trouble and so he saved me.

After the incident, he told me to go back home and rest instead. I trudged out of the swimming complex out of exhaustion. As I waited for the bus, I saw a few kids running across the road without using the pedestrain crossing. I felt like I should do something about it but since I was exhausted and my leg was not so healthy, I ignored them. The bus arrived and I went on board.

Upon reaching home, I did not waste a single second and began revising my Chemistry notes for the upcoming test. Even though it is just a 5 to 10 minutes test, I am still putting a lot of effort into it. Others may call me a nerd or geek but it doesn't matter as long as I pass with flying colours for the short test. I hope I do well for tomorrow's Chemistry test!

Comments on the red tagboard. Thank you.

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Written.. and told.

7:30 PM

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"Yawn!" It was 11a.m. and I just woke up from my dream of gobbling up a whole tub of ice-cream. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and walked like a drunkard out of my room. My vision was still blurry due to my lack of sleep so I knocked into a few objects on the way out.
My mother greeted me with a nice and loud shout. "Waking up this late? You better prepare for your tuition class which is starting in half an hour " I did not listen to a single world that came out of her mouth. It came in one ear and went out the other. I headed towards the balcony to grab my towel, its where I hang my towels up, and then headed to the kitchen where the toilet is located.
My two sisters were sitting at the dining table awaiting my mother to serve some srumptious dishes because they were going out for a facial appointment. They looked really starved. When I got to the kitchem, I realised that my brother was inside the toilet taking his own sweet time to shower without knowing about my nearing tuition class. My mother immediately told him to be fast. Feeling exasperated, I went to the toilet located in the master bedroom instead. After doing so, I neatly combed my hair and packed my bag. All the books were so weighty that my shoulders hurt when I carried my bag! I shouted out a loud goodbye to everyone and went off. It was already 11:25a.m. I had only 5 tight minutes to catch a bus and then run all the way to the tuition centre.
Thank heavens the bus came the moment I arrived at the bus-stop. The bus was rather empty so I had a choice of where I wanted to sit even though my destination was only one stop away. When I got off, I hastily ran towards the tuition centre. When I arrived, it was 11:35a.m. The assistant in the tuition centre, Kak Mira, looked at me and smiled sweetly. I replied with a wave and went through the door which led to my class. The moment I went in, everyone stared at me like I was some kind of monster with a ridiculous hairdo and gigantic eyes. The teacher greeted me and I went to my seat.
I had Science lesson on that day and we were learning Chemistry. The teacher, Mr Ibrahim, taught us about atoms,molecules and ions. Honestly, I don't remember anything about it being taught in Secondary One. After an hour of boring lesson, Mr Ibrahim spent the remaining half an hour playing this game called Taboo. Its a game where you are split into teams and one person in the team is given a word that he or she must describe to the team members in less than the given time such that the team members are able to guess what the word is. It is sort of like Charades.
We were split up into girls and boys. Unfortunately, it was a tie in the end but Mr Ibrahim promised to continue with the game the next week. Finally class was over! I showed my happiness by running out of the door. On the way home, I went to Guardian at Tampines Mart to get medicine for my neck. It was really stiff and it hurt when I tried to turn to my left. It must have been caused by the NCC Land training I had the day before. Anyway, after spending my money on that, I headed towards to bubble tea shop named Sweet Talk. On the way there, I saw the uncle that had reprimanded me for not buying vanguard sheet from his shop and buying it from another shop.
My blood boiled when I saw his face and so, I did not buy my drink. I saw my friend from tuition there and in order to avoid him, I had to just go to the bubble tea shop. I walked past the uncle and stuck out my tongue. That should make him irritated! I bought an oreo milkshake for two dollars. My friend walked past the shop and I let out a sigh of relief that he did not notice me. After paying for the drink, I sauntered out of the shop. To my incredulity, I saw my tuition teacher.
This was the worst thing that could ever happen to me in a single day! I had no choice but to confront him since he already saw me. We chatted about my school and how I was doing. He also gave me a reminder to do my homework, like I will ever bother. I gave an excuse that I had to get home fast and finished the conversation. At home, my mother was busy cooking and my father was trying to fix the sink.
The water just cannot get sucked in! Wonder what the problem was! My mother helped me to apply the medicine to my neck and thankfully, it seemed to work a little. I decided to do my homework and study Chemistry as well as Mathematics for the day to prepare for the upcoming tests the following week.
Comments to be given to the RED TAGBOARD only.Eg. Entry 1 : Nice recollection of the events.

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Written.. and told.

12:18 AM