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Tales of the Raconteur

Sunday, January 11, 2009
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Today was a Sunday. A weekend day which I have been dreading since forever. On sundays, I spend almost half of the day outside doing activities completely unrelated to school work. I would wake up around 10a.m because I always sleep late on Saturdays to prepare for my religious class at 11.a.m. After religious class, I had a swimming lesson from 2p.m to 3:30p.m. Did I mention my religious class was 2 hours and 30 minutes?

Anyway, today I woke up earlier than usual. I successfully woke up at 8a.m to actually have time to eat breakfast before I headed out for my religious class. During breakfast, my mother whipped up a delicious plate of scrambled eggs with cheese for me. She knows I love cheese in almost everything I eat, especially eggs. I took my time to savour the delicious flavours of the scrambled eggs before I started my daily morning routine, which was to shower.

It was 9.20a.m when I finished showering. I had 1 hour and 30 minutes before going out the door. I spent my time by playing the computer and watching some of the disgustingly unstimulating cartoon shows on OKTO. Surprisingly, I was hooked on watching most of the cartoon shows. Due to that, I lost track of time and it was already 11.a.m. I was going to be late if I did not sprint towards the centre.

When I arrived, my friends laughed at me and my teacher gave me a warning. My teacher probably hates me now! I shouldn't have watched television at all! We proceeded on to learning about what Muslims should or not do. This lesson was the second lesson of the year and since I was considered Primary 6 there, it was sort of stressing because there is an end of year examination similar to PSLE.

After spending hours in the cold classroom, I proceeded to Tampines Mart with a few of my fellow friends, Firdaus and Hamzah. We went to buy some burgers at MacDonalds. There was no recess during the religious class so we had to sustain our hunger and now we were starved. Firdaus and Hamzah bought MacSpicy and I just got myself a cheap Double Cheeseburger.

Anyway, we split up after that and I trudged sadly home thinking about my upcoming swimming lesson. As soon as I got home, my mother already prepared for me the "swimming bag" for me to bring to swimming lesson. My swimming lesson was at the Tampines Swimming Complex and it was a 15 minutes journey by bus. I swiftly changed into other clothing and walked out the door.

It was as if the bus would never come as I waited at the bus-stop. Finally, the bus arrived and I reluctantly went on board. Once on the bus, I gladly sat down. During the journey, this couple was fighting about how they had trouble communicating. Their fight entertained me and I was intrigued. They kept arguing that they never had a proper conversation without starting a feud.

Although I wanted to eavesdrop more on the couple, I had to get down the bus as I was already at my destination. It was a 5 minute walk towards the swimming complex. When I entered the swimming complex, I saw my swimming instructor waving at me, signalling me to quickly change into my swimming trunks. He told me to do a few laps of freestyle as warmup.

When I was swimming, I noticed that my legs felt a bit stiff as I kicked. I ignored the possibility that I might get a sudden leg cramp and continued the swim. After finishing the horrible laps of freestyle, we moved on to the deep pool. We were actually at the average pool by the way and not the baby pool. My swimming instructor told my class that we were going to have a race! The first person who finishes 4 rounds of any kind of swimming technique wins!

Feeling intoxicated, I hastily went towards the starting line. When the signal was given, all of us began swimming. Unfortunately, during half of the race, I had a leg cramp. All of a sudden I couldn't swim and I fluttered about helplessly. I thought I was going to drown but my swimming instructor noticed me in trouble and so he saved me.

After the incident, he told me to go back home and rest instead. I trudged out of the swimming complex out of exhaustion. As I waited for the bus, I saw a few kids running across the road without using the pedestrain crossing. I felt like I should do something about it but since I was exhausted and my leg was not so healthy, I ignored them. The bus arrived and I went on board.

Upon reaching home, I did not waste a single second and began revising my Chemistry notes for the upcoming test. Even though it is just a 5 to 10 minutes test, I am still putting a lot of effort into it. Others may call me a nerd or geek but it doesn't matter as long as I pass with flying colours for the short test. I hope I do well for tomorrow's Chemistry test!

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Written.. and told.

7:30 PM