Today is the second day of the Lunar New Year. While others are visiting and receiving money, I am stuck here in my home doing the normal things anyone who doesn't celebrate Lunar New Year. Studying. Revising. Sleeping. I didn't really do all that though.
The way I woke up today is the most bizarre ever. I had set my alarm at 8.30am for today. In the morning, I felt something vibrating under my body and I knew it was my alarm but I just could not wake up until my sister sort of kicked me. I had a dream that I was on a massage chair, reason being my back was getting a "massage". I hate mornings.
Mornings are the worst time of the day ever! Especially when you are forced to wake up. In the mornings of school days, I would always wake up knowing that there was school. I treat school as some kind of torture but it is actually a different experience everyday. Fun or boring. Stressing or tiring. It is always something different, I guess thats the true reason why I do go to school. Anyway, the reason that masks over the true reason is that if I didn't go to school, my parents would "kill" me. They kill me by scolding me and then ignore me till I transform into an angel, at least for the day. I really don't want to talk about this. Next.
My father had bought breakfast! I love breakfast if its after 8am! Breakfast at 5.30am is the absolute worst. It always gives me a stomachache! Always! Its just my stomach's problem. The breakfast was great! The breakfast was great! The breakfast was great!
After that, I decided to do some random workouts to make myself sweat so that it will feel much better when I am taking a shower. Random workouts such as running on the spot, crushing my "Hamtaro", kicking the wall and jumping. My muscles ached from yesterday's training of breakdance so I decided to train my footwork today.
I tried doing a combination of footwork and freeze. I watched this video on how to do so, from there, I created my own style. Every breakdancer needs to have his own style. From power moves to freezes. Everything needs to be done in a unique way. That was what I tried to do today, even though it wasn't successful as I was not an experienced breakdancer.
At least I tried! I am very sure that tomorrow will bring more ideas into my head!